Existem outras formas de fazer isso em JavaScript e até em outras linguagens, mas como tenho isso pronto, compartilho o que está mais fácil.
Bom proveito.
<% '------------------------------------------------ car = request.form("car") car2 = request.form("car2") if car2 <> "" then response.write "" else if car <> "" then car = cInt(car) response.write "" else if request.form("coluna") = "" then limite = 10 else limite = cInt(request.form("coluna")) end if end if end if '------------------------------------------------%>
<% Response.buffer = true '------------------------------------------------ response.write ""&vbcrlf '------------------------------------------------ if car2 = "" then if car = "" then '------------------------------------------------ cont = 0 '------------------------------------------------ for i=1 to 255 '------------------------------------------------ if cont = 0 then response.write ""&vbcrlf cont = cont + 1 end if '------------------------------------------------ if cont > 0 OR cont = limite then response.write ""&vbcrlf cont = cont + 1 end if '------------------------------------------------ if cont = (limite+1) then response.write ""&vbcrlf cont = 0 end if '------------------------------------------------ Next '------------------------------------------------ response.write ""&VBCrlf else '------------------------------------------------ cont = 0 '------------------------------------------------ response.write ""&vbcrlf response.write ""& right("000"&car,3) &" = "& CHR(car) &""&vbcrlf response.write ""&vbcrlf end if else '------------------------------------------------ for i=1 to 255 '------------------------------------------------ if car2 = CHR(i) then response.write ""&vbcrlf&""& CHR(i) &" = "& right("000"&i,3) &""&vbcrlf&"" end if '------------------------------------------------ Next '------------------------------------------------ end if '------------------------------------------------ response.write ""&VBCrlf %> <%=chr(171)%> Voltar <%response.flush response.clear%>
"& right("000"&i,3) &" = "& CHR(i) &"
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